31 Mayıs 2017 Çarşamba


Network yöneticileri için hataların tespitinde ve güvenlik ihlallerinin incelenmesinde log kayıtları önemlidir. Cisco switch, router gibi cihazlarda çalıştırdığı IOS işletim sistemi ile kullanışlı log mekanizmaları sunmaktadır. Bu log mesajları 5 farklı şekilde oluşturulabilir:

service timestamps log datetime localtime : cihazın üzerindeki show logging time'ların dogru time'da gözükmesi için

  • Console logging : Default olarak cihaz tüm log mesajlarını konsol portuna gönderir. Bu yüzden sadece fiziksel olarak bağlantı sağlayan cihazlar log mesajlarına ulaşabilir. Default olarak açık olduğu için bağlı cihaz olup olmadığına bakılmaksızın gönderilir. Bu da işlemciyi yoran bir durumdur.
  • Terminal logging: Console logging seçeneğiyle benzerdir, mesajları VTY komut satırına gönderir. Default olarak kapalıdır.
  •  By default, these syslog messages are only outputted to the console. This is because the logging console command is enabled by default. If you log in through telnet or SSH, you won’t see any syslog messages. You can enable this with the terminal monitor command.
  • Buffered logging: Bu seçenekte log mesajları cihazın RAM'ine kaydedilir, ancak cihazlar sınırlı hafızaya sahip olduğu için (genelde 128mb) yeterli olmaz. Yeni kayıtlar eklenmesi sırasında hafıza dolmuş olursa eski kayıtlar silinir. 
  • Syslog server logging: Logların hafızada tutulması yerine başka bir cihazdaki syslog server'a gönderilmesi sağlanabilir. Hafıza problemi için daha uygun bir çözümdür.
  • SNMP trap logging: Loglar SNMP trap kullanılarak SNMP server'a gönderilebilir.
Log mesajlarında içerik açısından sunulan temel seviyeler şunlardır :
0. Emergency : Sistem kapanıyor
1. Alert            : Acil durum mesajları (Sıcaklık sınırı)
2. Critical        : Kritik durum mesajları (Mermory allocation hatası)
3. Error            : Hata durumu mesajları (Interface up/down)
4. Warning       : Uyarı durumu mesajları (SNMP requests)
5. Notification : Normal ancak kayda deger mesajlar (line protocol up/down)
6. Information : Bilgi içerikli mesajlar (Access-list ihlali)
7. Debugging  : Debug mesajları

“Logging” komutu log konfigürasyonlarını yapmak için kullanılan basit bir komuttur. Log seviyesini belirlemek için config moda giriş (configure terminal) yapıldıktan sonra :
R1(config)# logging console [level]-----
R1(config)# logging buffered [size]--------
R1(config)# logging host [Syslog Server IP]
R1(config)# logging trap [level] 
R1(config)# logging on 

logging trap notifications
logging host
snmp-server enable traps syslog
snmp-server community public
logging on

optional default 514 (logging host transport udp port 714)
 Konfigürasyonda yapılan değişiklikleri syslog atmak ve backup config için;

path tftp://
time-period 1440
 log config
  logging enable
  notify syslog

Let’s look at a Cisco router where we enable this feature:
Router(config)#archive Router(config-archive)#log config
 Router(config-archive-log-cfg)#logging enable

First you should use the archive command and then enter the log config section. Use the logging enable command and the router will keep track of the configuration changes. There’s a number of other items that are useful to configure however:
Router(config-archive-log-cfg)#logging size 1000

By default your router will keep 100 entries in the configuration log but we can increase it to 1000 using the logging size command. All the changes will be kept locally on your router but we can send it to the syslog server if we want:
Router(config-archive-log-cfg)#notify syslog

Last but not least, it might be a good idea not to store any passwords in the configuration change logs. You can use the following command to disable this:

Router#show archive log config all
 idx   sess           user@line      Logged command
    1     1        console@console  |  logging enable 
    2     1        console@console  |  logging size 1000
    3     1        console@console  |  notify syslog 
    4     1        console@console  |  hidekeys 
    5     1        console@console  |  interface loopback 0  
    6     1        console@console  | shutdown 
    7     1        console@console  | no shutdown 


observium SNMPv3 add device

snmp-server group MYGROUP v3 priv
snmp-server user MYUSER MYGROUP v3 auth md5 MYPASS123 priv aes 128 MYKEY12

Snmp server'a log göndermek için 
snmp-server enable traps syslog
snmp-server host YKI-LAN community public version 2c udp-port 161
logging history notifications
logging enable
logging asdm notification (asdm'de log gormek icin)

syslog icin
logging enable
logging host YKI-LAN (server ipsi)
logging trap warnings


ASA1(config)# logging enable

Logging to SSH or Telnet

We’ll start by looking at logging on SSH or telnet sessions. Let’s see what level of logging options we have:
ASA1(config)# logging monitor ?

configure mode commands/options:
  <0-7>          Enter syslog level (0 - 7)
  WORD           Specify the name of logging list
  alerts         Immediate action needed           (severity=1)
  critical       Critical conditions               (severity=2)
  debugging      Debugging messages                (severity=7)
  emergencies    System is unusable                (severity=0)
  errors         Error conditions                  (severity=3)
  informational  Informational messages            (severity=6)
  notifications  Normal but significant conditions (severity=5)
  warnings       Warning conditions                (severity=4)
The logging monitor command configures the level of logging that we want to use. For example, when you select debugging (level 7) then it will log all lower levels as well. If you select “errors” then it will only log level 3,2,1 and 0. We will select debugging so that we can see debug messages on our telnet or SSH session:
ASA1(config)# logging monitor debugging
The logging level has been configured but we still need to enable logging, here’s how:
ASA1(config)# terminal monitor
This enables logging up to the debug level on your telnet or SSH session. Let’s continue with another example…

Logging to Internal Buffer

The ASA has an internal buffer that we can use for syslog messages. By default it’s enabled so let’s enable it:
ASA1(config)# logging buffered warnings
This will log all syslog messages with level “warnings” or lower to the internal buffer. We can also configure the size of the internal buffer:
ASA1(config)# logging buffer-size 8192
By default it’s only 4KB, I changed it to 8KB with the logging buffer-size command. Let’s see if we can find some syslog information in our internal buffer. Here’s an example how we can test it:
ASA1(config)# interface E0/0
ASA1(config-if)# shutdown
ASA1(config-if)# no shutdown
Shutting an interface is something that will be logged. Now use the show logging command to view the log:
ASA1# show logging 
Syslog logging: enabled
    Facility: 20
    Timestamp logging: disabled
    Standby logging: disabled
    Debug-trace logging: disabled
    Console logging: disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 32 messages logged
    Buffer logging: level warnings, 3 messages logged
    Trap logging: disabled
    Permit-hostdown logging: disabled
    History logging: disabled
    Device ID: disabled
    Mail logging: disabled
    ASDM logging: disabled
%ASA-4-411003: Interface Ethernet0/1, changed state to administratively down
%ASA-4-411001: Line protocol on Interface Ethernet0/1, changed state to up
You can see the logging settings but also two entries at the bottom…the interface going down and up. Let’s try something else now…

Logging to console

We can log syslog messages to the console like this:
ASA1(config)# logging console warnings
This will log all syslog messsages with level “warnings” or lower to the console. Keep in mind that the console is only running at 9600 bps so it’s easy to overburden it with logging messages. If there are too many logging messages then it will be rate-limited and even dropped if the console can’t handle it.

Logging to e-mail

We can also send syslog messages directly to e-mail, here’s an example:
ASA1(config)# logging mail alerts
ASA1(config)# logging from-address asa@networklessons.com
ASA1(config)# logging recipient-address info@networklessons.com
ASA1(config)# smtp-server
This will send all syslog messages with level “alerts” or lower to an e-mail address. Don’t forget to configure a SMTP server.

Logging to ASDM

We can also log to ASDM where you can see the syslog messages in the dashboard. Here’s how to enable it:
ASA1(config)# logging asdm debugging
This is how we can send all syslog messages to ASDM. Once you login, you can see the syslog messages at the bottom:
Cisco ASDM Syslog Dashboard
Above you can see the syslog messages in ASDM.

Logging to Syslog Server

A good choice is to send syslog messages to a syslog server. Here’s how to do it:
ASA1(config)# logging host INSIDE
ASA1(config)# logging trap alerts
You need to configure the host and the level of syslog messages. Here’s what it looks like on a syslog server:
Cisco ASA Syslog Host
Above you see some incoming messages on my syslog server.

Logging to SNMP server

Last but not least, we can send syslog messages as SNMP traps to a SNMP server. Here’s how:
ASA1(config)# snmp-server host INSIDE trap community MY_COMMUNITY
ASA1(config)# snmp-server enable traps syslog
ASA1(config)# logging history notifications
First we configure the SNMP server and the community and then we tell the ASA to send syslog messages using SNMP traps. The logging history commands sets the syslog level.


Graylog En profesyonel çözüm ancak diğer 2 serveri denemedim ama denenebilir sizeları cok az olması nedeniyle.


https://syslogwatcher.com/downloads/  windows üzerinde calısıyor.



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