20 Mayıs 2019 Pazartesi

Prtg Export Raw Data

Csv export programı indirilir. sonrasında bilgiler girilir

CSVExport.exe -pu=prtgadmin -pp=prtgadmin -ps= -s=1005,1006 -sd=2019-05-18 -ed=2019-05-20 -fc="Coverage","Date Time","Total","Free Bytes D:"
ren 1005*.csv myfile.csv
ren 1006*.csv myfile2.csv

-pu= PRTG username.
 -pp= PRTG password or passhash *.
 -ps= PRTG server ip or domainname and optional portnumber.
 -s= Comma seperated list of sensors id's.
 -to= Optional connection timeout to your PRTG server in seconds (default = 10 sec).
 -av= Optional average interval in seconds. use 0 to download raw data (= results of all single monitoring requests)
 -sd= Optional startdate of export in yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss format. If omitted the previous day is assumed.
  Entering a numeric value like -sd=60 will subtract the number of minutes from the current datetime.
 -ed= Optional enddate of export in yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss format. If omitted the previous day is assumed.
  Entering a numeric value like -ed=60 will subtract the number of minutes from the current datetime.
 -fc= Optional a comma seperated list of column names to be used as export filter. (e.g. "datetime,value")
 -ac= Optional list of columns and values to add to the result. (e.g. "Probe,New York|Device,WinXP")
 -wu= Optional Windows domain\username. If omitted the current credentials are used.
 -wp= Optional Windows password or passhash *.
 -f= Optional folder. If omitted the working folder is used.
 -e= Optional export format CSV or XML. If omitted CSV is used.
 -t= Optional time to execute. If used as a PRTG sensor it will only execute once a day after the secified time. e.g. 02:00
 -co Optional combine output of all given sensors into one file.
 -nh Optional ommit the column headers with a .csv file.
 -ns Optional ommit the summary line with a .csv file. This is automatically included with the -co option.
 -id Optional include sensorID in export. This is automatically included with the -co option.
 -spm Optional the maximum amount of sensor to process per minute, to prevent PRTG's overload protection (default = 5).
 -coe Optional parameter to Continue On Error when processing multiple sensors

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