23 Ocak 2018 Salı

3,4g adsl vdsl


a)      show cellular 0 profile

b)      show cellular 0 network

c)      show cellular 0 radio

d)      show cellular 0 security

a)     show cellular 0 profile

Bu komut çıktısı ile Cisco Router üzerinde konfigüre edilmiş Cellular APN Profile bilgilerini kontrol edebilirsiniz.

4G_9903_0135#show cellular 0 profile

Profile 1 = ACTIVE* **

PDP Type = IPv4
PDP address =
Access Point Name (APN) = a101mag
Authentication = CHAP
Username: 9903-0135
Password: 9903-0135
        Primary DNS address =
        Secondary DNS address =

  * - Default profile
 ** - LTE attach profile

Configured default profile for active SIM 0 is profile 1.


b)     show cellular 0 network
Bu komut ile SIM kartın baz istasyonu üzerinden aldığı operatör bilgisiniz görebilirsiniz.

4G_9903_0135#sh cellular 0 network
Current System Time = Wed Nov 30 10:39:49 2016
Current Service Status = Normal
Current Service = Packet switched
Current Roaming Status = Home
Network Selection Mode = Automatic
Network = TCELL
Mobile Country Code (MCC) = 286
Mobile Network Code (MNC) = 1
Packet switch domain(PS) state = Attached
Registration state(EMM) = Registered
EMM Sub State = Normal Service
Tracking Area Code (TAC) = 8202
Cell ID = 22629408
Primary Scrambling Code = 65535

c)      show cellular 0 radio
Bu komut ile router anten dBm cinsinden çekim gücünü, ve hangi teknoloji ile oturduğunu görüntüleyebilirsiniz.
Optimum RSSI çekim gücü aralığı -50 dBm – 85dBm aralığında olmalıdır.
LTE                                      :4G
UMTS / WCDMA             :3G
GSM                                   :2G

4G_9903_0135#show cellular 0 radio
Radio power mode = ON
LTE Rx Channel Number =  1651
LTE Tx Channel Number =  19651
LTE Band =  3
LTE Bandwidth = 20 MHz
Current RSSI = -65 dBm
Current RSRP = -93  dBm
Current RSRQ = -8  dB
Current SNR = 17.2  dB
Radio Access Technology(RAT) Preference = AUTO
Radio Access Technology(RAT) Selected = LTE

d)     show cellular 0 security
Bu komut ile SIM kartın PIN kodu’nun (CHV – Card Holder Verification) kaldırıldığını yada Pın kodunun girilip girilmediğini görüntüleyebilirsiniz.

SIM Status: Locked olduğunda SIM PIN kodunun girilmediğinin ve SIM kartın kilitli olduğu anlamına gelir. Bu durumda bu SIM kartla PIN kodu girmeden bağlantı sağlayamazsınız.

4G_9903_0135#sh cellular 0 security
Active SIM = 0
SIM switchover attempts = 0
Card Holder Verification (CHV1) = Disabled
SIM Status = OK
SIM User Operation Required = None
Number of CHV1 Retries remaining = 3

3g kartı cihazda tanıtılmış ve sim kart takılı durumda ise ve servis sağlayıcıdan id pass ve ap id aldıysanız size buraya yapmanız gerekenleri özetleyeyim :

Öncelikle bir modem profili yaratacaksınız . Numarası lokalde önem arz eder . Profil yaratmak için :

R # cellular 0 gsm profile create 1 <isp'den aldığınız ap'nin adı> <pap veya chap> <id> <şifre>


cellular 0 gsm band wcdma-all-bands
cellular 0 gsm profile create 1 a101mag chap 9912-5365 9912-5365

#sh cellular 0 profile 1

Profile 1 = ACTIVE* **

Sonra modem arama yapabilsin diye chat-scrpt gireceksiniz. Arama komutu olarak Atdt'i kullanacak sınız ve aynı komut içinde ip yada paket servisi için girdi yapmanız gerekecek . ip servisi için 98 gireceksiniz.

R# chat-script hspa "" "ATDT*98*1#" TIMEOUT 30 CONNECT (değişkendir biz altakini kullanıcaz)

chat-script gsm "" "ATDT*99#" TIMEOUT 60 "CONNECT"
chat-script komutu modem üzerinden arama yapılmasını sağlar. ATDT modem bağlantı komutudur ve açılımı Attention Dial Tone’dur. 98 IP servisleri kullanmasını gösteren bir dizidir. Bazen 99’da kullanılır. 99 ise paket servislerinin kullanılmasını gösterir.

Daha sonra cellular interface’in bağlı olduğu line konfigüre edilir. 3G, üçüncüsünü kullanır.

chat-script gsm "" "AT!SCACT=1,1" TIMEOUT 60 "OK"

Buradaki 1 değeri yukarıdali modem profilinin numarasıdır. Aslında burada 98 ve 99'u iki ayrı profil yaratarak kullanabilirsin .
Burayıda yaptıktan sonra 3g'nin kullandığı cellular line 3'ü ayarlayacaksınız .

R#line 3
 exec-timeout 0 0
 script dialer gsm
 modem InOut

Burası da tmm . Cellular int'i yapılandırmaya gelelim :

R # int Cellular 0
 ip address negotiated
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer in-band
 dialer string gsm
 dialer-group 1
 async mode interactive
 ppp chap hostname xxxxx
 ppp chap password xxxxx
 ppp ipcp dns request

ip forward-protocol nd

Dialer kullanarak da bu yapılabilir bu durumda cellular için no ip address diyeceksin , dns ve chap için herhangi bir girdi yapmayacaksın. Yanlızca arayüzü dialer pool'a member etmen gerekir. Sonrasında dialer interface için ip , chap ve dns girdilerini yaparsın

Altta örnek konfigürasyon
hostname 3G_9912_5365
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius local
aaa authentication login console enable
aaa authentication enable default enable
aaa session-id common
no ip dhcp pool ccp-pool
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
chat-script hspa "" "AT!SCACT=1,1" TIMEOUT 60 "OK"
username ALİ privilege 15 password 0 ALI123..
controller VDSL 0
controller Cellular 0
access-list 30 permit
interface Cellular0
 ip address negotiated
 ip virtual-reassembly out
 encapsulation slip
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 0
 dialer string hspa
 dialer-group 1
 async mode interactive
interface Vlan1
 ip address
ip flow ingress
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip route Cellular0
ip radius source-interface Vlan1
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit

snmp-server community Stormix101 RO 30
snmp-server trap-source Vlan1
snmp-server source-interface informs Vlan1
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 01300F175804575D72
radius-server timeout 3
no access-list 23
line vty 0 15
no access-class 23 in
no banner exec ^c
no banner exec
no banner login
line con 0
 login authentication console
 no modem enable
line aux 0
line 3
 exec-timeout 0 0
 script dialer hspa
 modem InOut
 no exec
 rxspeed 21600000
 txspeed 5760000
line vty 0 4
 privilege level 15
 transport input all
line vty 5 15
 privilege level 15
 transport input all


Cihaz sim kartı takıldıktan sonra ip alabilmesi için pin numarasını girilmesi gerekmektedir.(telefonu açarken kullandığınız güvenlik numarası)
Diğer dikkat edilmesi gereken konu aldığınız hat static ise mgbs dinamikse mgb tanımı yapılmalı demodaki hattımız static olduğu için mgbs tanımı yapıyorum.

Dikkat ederseniz sim kart ile işlemlerin hepsi privilege mode da yapılmaktadır.

DEMO01-3G-01# cellular 0 lte sim unlock şifre

DEMO01-3G-01#cellular 0 lte profile create 1 mgbs (chap null null)
DEMO01-3G-01#sh cellular 0 profile 1
Profile 1 = ACTIVE* **
PDP Type = IPv4
PDP address = 5.xx.1x.1×2 (aldığımız statik ip)
Access Point Name (APN) = mgbs
Authentication = PAP
Username: null
Password: null
Primary DNS address =
Secondary DNS address =
* – Default profile
Forumlarda da göreceğiniz üzere chat scrip bu ios da biraz daha farklı çalışan yapıdaki chat scrip aşağıdaki gibidir.
chat-script lte “” “AT!CALL1” TIMEOUT 20 “OK”


controller Cellular 0/1/0
 lte modem link-recovery rssi onset-threshold -110
 lte modem link-recovery monitor-timer 20
 lte modem link-recovery wait-timer 10
 lte modem link-recovery debounce-count 6

interface Cellular0/1/0
 ip address negotiated
 ip nat outside
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 0
 dialer-group 3

 pulse-time 1

dialer-list 3 protocol ip permit

--> Duzenlenecek yerler

- Bolgekodu-Magazakodu olan yerler (99xx-xxxx)
- Hostname (4G_Bolgekodu_Magazakodu)
- Vlan1 in altindaki lan ip adresi
--> Modem acildiktan sonra "Cellular0 modem is now UP." yazisi cikana kadar
    konfigurasyona baslamayin.

--> Belirtilen yerler haricinde hicbir degisiklik yapmayin.
    Konfigurasyon icerisindeki satir araliklarini degistirmeyin.

*** "yourname#" satirinda girilecek.

cellular 0 lte technology auto
cellular 0 lte profile create 1 a101mag chap 99xx-xxxx 99xx-xxxx
configure terminal
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname 4G_99xx_xxxx
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius local
aaa authentication login console enable
aaa authentication enable default enable
aaa session-id common
username ali privilege 15 password 0 ali123
no access-list 30 permit
chat-script lte "" "AT!CALL" TIMEOUT 20 "OK"
interface Ethernet0
no ip address
interface ATM0
no ip address
no atm ilmi-keepalive
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
interface FastEthernet1
no ip address
interface FastEthernet2
no ip address
interface FastEthernet3
no ip address
interface Cellular0
ip address negotiated
ip virtual-reassembly out
encapsulation slip
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 0
dialer string lte
dialer-group 1
async mode interactive
interface Vlan1
ip address xx.xxx.xxx.1
ip flow ingress
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip flow-cache timeout active 1
ip flow-export source vlan1
ip flow-export version 9
ip flow-export destination 2055
ip route Cellular0
ip radius source-interface Vlan1
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
snmp-server community Stormix101 RO 30
snmp-server trap-source Vlan1
snmp-server source-interface informs Vlan1
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
snmp-server host version 2c Stormix101
radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 01300F175804575D72
radius-server timeout 3
no access-list 23
no banner exec ^c
no banner exec
no banner login
line con 0
privilege level 15
no login authentication console
no modem enable
line aux 0
line 3
exec-timeout 0 0
script dialer lte
modem InOut
no exec
line vty 0 4
no access-class 23 in
privilege level 15
transport input all


3G hatlarının bandgenişliği hızının artması ile birlikte, özellikle data kaybına tahammülü olmayan şirketler kullanmış oldukları Metro, G.SHDSL, LL devrelerine yedek oluşturması için 3G hatlarını kullanmaktalar. 3G hatları genellikle cost-saving amacı için aktif hatlar devreyken kapalı konumda bekletilirler. Router üzerinde yapılan IP-SLA ve event-manager konfigürasyonları yardımı ile aktif hat sürekli olarak izlenir. Aktif hattan cevap alınamaması durumunda 3G hattı devreye alınarak kriz durumlarının mininumum zarar ile atlatılması sağlanabilir. Cisco router üzerinde 3G hattın çalışması için gereken temel konfigürasyon şu şekildedir;
#cellular 0 gsm profile create 1 internet //enable modda yazılır, show-run içinde görünmez)
(config)#chat-script gsm “” “ATDT*99*1#” TIMEOUT 60 “CONNECT”

Dialer kullanarak da bu yapılabilir bu durumda cellular için no ip address diyeceksin , dns ve chap için herhangi bir girdi yapmayacaksın. Yanlızca arayüzü dialer pool'a member etmen gerekir. Sonrasında dialer interface için ip , chap ve dns girdilerini yaparsın
interface Cellular0/1/0
description ### 3g interface ###
 no ip address
 ip virtual-reassembly
 encapsulation ppp
 load-interval 30
 dialer in-band
 dialer pool-member 1
 async mode interactive
 no fair-queue

interface Dialer1
ip address negotiated
ip accounting output-packets
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool 1
dialer idle-timeout 0
dialer string gsm
dialer persistent
dialer-group 1
dialer watch-group 1
ppp authentication chap callin
ppp chap refuse
ppp pap refuse
ppp ipcp dns request
no cdp enable
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
line 0/3/0
script dialer gsm
no exec
rxspeed 3600000
txspeed 384000

adsl'de atm vdsl'de ise ethernet kullanılır.

controller VDSL 0/1/0
interface ATM0/1/0.1 point-to-point
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap
 pvc 8/35
  pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1

interface Dialer1
 description **** ADSL_INTERNET ****
 mtu 1452
 ip address negotiated
 ip nat outside
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer pool 1
 dialer-group 1
 ppp authentication pap chap callin
 ppp pap sent-username tyt2423412498@test password 0 tyt2017
 ppp ipcp dns request
 no cdp enable
 ip virtual-reassembly
ip route Dialer1


controller VDSL 0

interface Ethernet0
no ip address
no ip route-cache
logging event subif-link-status
no fair-queue
interface Ethernet0.35
encapsulation dot1Q 35
no ip route-cache

pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1

interface Dialer0
ip address negotiated
ip mtu 1492
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
encapsulation ppp
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
dialer pool 1
dialer-group 1
ppp authentication pap chap callin
ppp pap sent-username 2122746123@ttnet password 0 2746123

interface vlan 35
pppoe enable group global
pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1

interface Vlan1
ip address
ip nat inside

ip virtual-reassembly in

Enable PPPoE on the interface and map it to a dial pool number. Dial pool number is used to map the physical interface with the dialer interface.

R1#config t
R1(config)#int fa1/0
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shut
R1(config-if)#pppoe enable
R1(config-if)#pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1

8. Create and configure a dialer interface. This will act as your pppoe dialer, like what you have in your Windows pc. The ip address must be set to negotiated for IPCP to provide it an ip address. You can only put a specific ip address here if you have bought a static ip from your ISP.

R1(config)#int dialer0
R1(config-if)#ip address negotiated
R1(config-if)#encapsulation ppp
R1(config-if)#dialer pool 1
R1(config-if)#ip mtu 1492

A dialer for DSL is incomplete without user credentials, therefore we should declare in the configuration what those are. I used both chap and pap because I don't know what my ISP is using. :)

R1(config)#ppp chap hostname pete
R1(config)#ppp chap password cisco
R1(config)#ppp pap sent-username pete password cisco

Right after this configuration it should work now. A Virtual Access interface Vi1 will be created on your router. You will see an ip address assigned to your Dialer interface. Good but we are not done yet!

9. Specify the default route. This should be pointing to the dialer interface.

R1(config)#ip route dialer0

10. Never forget that we are using the internet and using private IP on our LAN so NATing is needed. Lets configure NATing as our last and final step. First specify an access list of what is to be NATed. Use a standard or extended, doesn't matter anyway.

R1(config)#access-list 100 permit ip any

Specify the inside and outside interfaces.

R1(config)#int fa1/0
R1(config-if)#ip nat inside
R1(config)#int dialer0
R1(config-if)#ip nat outside

Declare which will be natted to which. In our case we will NAT the fa1/0 to whatever the ip address of Dialer0 is

R1(config)#ip nat inside source list 100 interface dialer0 overload

11. Find our your ISP's DNS servers and configure it on the router.

R1(config)# ip name-server
R1(config)# ip name-server



set interfaces fe-0/0/7 unit 0 encapsulation ppp-over-ether

set interfaces pp0 unit 0 point-to-point
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 ppp-options pap default-password "$9$gUoZjqmT/CuZUCuOIrlWLxds4"
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 ppp-options pap local-name "PASSWORD@abc"
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 ppp-options pap local-password "$9$pMgC01hreW-VY1RVYgaiHP5QnCu"
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 ppp-options pap passive
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 pppoe-options underlying-interface fe-0/0/7.0
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 pppoe-options idle-timeout 0
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 pppoe-options auto-reconnect 10
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 pppoe-options client
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 family inet mtu 1492
set interfaces pp0 unit 0 family inet negotiate-address

set security ike policy vpnexample mode main
set security ike policy vpnexample proposal-set standard
set security ike policy vpnexample pre-shared-key ascii-text "$9$jEHP5QF/CA09AvWxN2gQFn6u1"

set security ike gateway vpnexample ike-policy vpnexample
set security ike gateway vpnexample address
set security ike gateway vpnexample external-interface pp0.0

set security ipsec policy vpnexample proposal-set standard
set security ipsec vpn vpnexample bind-interface st0.0
set security ipsec vpn vpnexample vpn-monitor optimized
set security ipsec vpn vpnexample ike gateway vpnexample
set security ipsec vpn vpnexample ike ipsec-policy vpnexample
set security ipsec vpn vpnexample establish-tunnels immediately

set interfaces st0 unit 0 family inet mtu 1384
set interfaces st0 unit 0 family inet address

set security zones security-zone LAN host-inbound-traffic system-services all
set security zones security-zone LAN host-inbound-traffic protocols all
set security zones security-zone LAN interfaces pp0.0
set security zones security-zone LAN interfaces st0.0

set routing-options static route next-hop pp0.0
set protocols ospf area interface st0.0 metric 1

hostname demo
boot system flash bootflash:isr4300-universalk9.16.06.02.SPA.bin
vrf definition Mgmt-intf
 address-family ipv4
 address-family ipv6
no aaa new-model
ip vrf forwarding
ip vrf red
 rd 500:1
 route-target export 500:1
 route-target import 500:1
ip name-server
ip domain name demo.local
subscriber templating
multilink bundle-name authenticated
chat-script lte "" "AT!CALL" TIMEOUT 20 "OK"
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3332398342
 enrollment selfsigned
 subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3332398342
 revocation-check none
 rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3332398342
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3332398342
voice-card 0/4
 no watchdog
license udi pid ISR4331/K9 sn FDO21390X0S
license boot suite FoundationSuiteK9
diagnostic bootup level minimal
spanning-tree extend system-id
username cisco privilege 15 password 7 104D000A0618
 mode none
controller Cellular 0/1/0
 lte modem link-recovery rssi onset-threshold -110
 lte modem link-recovery monitor-timer 20
 lte modem link-recovery wait-timer 10
 lte modem link-recovery debounce-count 6
controller VDSL 0/2/0
crypto keyring red vrf red
  pre-shared-key address key cisco123
crypto isakmp policy 10
 encr 3des
 authentication pre-share
 group 2
 lifetime 28800
crypto isakmp key cisco123 address
crypto isakmp keepalive 10 5
crypto ipsec transform-set 10 esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
 mode tunnel
crypto ipsec profile 10
 set transform-set 10
 set pfs group2
interface Loopback0
 no ip address
 ip nat inside
interface Loopback1
 ip vrf forwarding red
 ip address
interface Tunnel10
 ip unnumbered Dialer1
 tunnel source Dialer1
 tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
 tunnel destination
 tunnel vrf red
 tunnel protection ipsec profile 10
interface Tunnel20
 ip unnumbered Cellular0/1/0
 tunnel source
 tunnel mode ipsec ipv4
 tunnel destination
 tunnel protection ipsec profile 10
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
 ip address
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1390
 negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 no ip address
 negotiation auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
 no ip address
 negotiation auto
interface Cellular0/1/0
 ip address negotiated
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 0
 dialer-group 1
 ipv6 address autoconfig
 pulse-time 1
interface Cellular0/1/1
 no ip address
interface ATM0/2/0
 ip vrf forwarding red
 no ip address
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap
 no snmp trap link-status
interface ATM0/2/0.1 point-to-point
 no atm enable-ilmi-trap
 pvc 8/35
  pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1
interface Ethernet0/2/0
 no ip address
 no negotiation auto
interface Service-Engine0/4/0
interface GigabitEthernet0
 vrf forwarding Mgmt-intf
 no ip address
 negotiation auto
interface Dialer1
 description ADSL
 ip vrf forwarding red
 ip address negotiated
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer pool 1
 dialer-group 1
 ppp authentication pap callin
 ppp pap sent-username b4405256@ttnet password 7 0875181E5C4B5041
 ppp ipcp dns request
 no cdp enable
 ip virtual-reassembly
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip tftp source-interface GigabitEthernet0
ip route Tunnel10
ip route Cellular0/1/0
ip route Tunnel10
ip route vrf red Dialer1
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
dialer-list 1 protocol ipv6 permit

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